17 June 2009

CAPS Meeting - Beat 2413

CAPS Meeting - Beat 2413 - 16 June. 2009, 7:00 p.m.

Last night, despite a steady rain, I walked across the street from my house to attend a CAPS meeting for Beat 2413, which covers neighborhoods bound by Devon, Peterson , Kedzie, and Ridge. Chairs designed for adult - sized posteriors were in short supply; so some attendees had to settle for kindergarten - sized chairs. (Darn! What a night to forget my camera phone!)

In the 24th District, there were 14, 197 calls for service and 478 arrests in May. In Beat 2413, there were 1,985 calls and 59 arrests.

On 15 May, 2009, , Micke and Janko Petrov, a pair of alleged burglars, were arrested . Micke is still in jail; Janko is back on the street.

The police officers stressed that a large number of area burglaries were unlawful entries, meaning, the residents made it easy for thieves to enter their homes (i.e. unlocked doors). The police are focusing on areas bound by Arthur, Granville, Rockwell and Bell for burglary prevention.

Also in May, on Devon, a woman withdrawing money from an enclosed ATM was robbed by a man holding a corkscrew to her neck and demanding the cash.

One trouble spot highlighted during the meeting: The apartment buildings in the 2100 block of W. Norwood (at Seeley), located behind 'Target'. It was reported that suspicious activity occurs in this area, regularly. The officers appealed to us to get involved! To show up in large numbers when the police department has neighborhood row calls and report illegal activities.

4th August is "National Night Out."

We were also told that an increase in crime in our area (or any area, for that matter) is anticipated; and it is the result of the economy and not solely because of the arrival of the warm summer months.

The next 2413 CAPS meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 7:00 p.m. @ Green Briar Park, 2651 W. Peterson.


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